Voters Split on Krum ISD Bond Propositions

May 7, 2022


Voters Split on Krum ISD Bond Propositions

Prop A passed with 63.12% in favor

Prop B failed with 43.27% in favor


Voters in Krum ISD split their support for the bond propositions. With preliminary results available from Denton County, 63.12 percent of voters approved Proposition A, and 43.27 percent of voters approved Proposition B. The two propositions totaled $275,000,000.


“I’d like to thank our community for the support and thank all the voters who made time to go to the polls,” says Superintendent Dr. Jason Cochran. “I’ve met many parents, community members, and business leaders in the last several months, and one thing is clear: Everyone wants the best for the students of Krum ISD, and everyone recognizes the important role that public education plays in a quality community.”


Cochran says he looks forward to seeing the positive impact of the bond for years to come. “We’ll have the facilities we need to accommodate the growth in our area,” he says. “The bond program was the result of several months of thoughtful planning by our Board of Trustees and the District’s Bond Planning Committee, and I am so grateful for their time and dedication to our students.”


Proposition A gives the district authorization to sell $244 million in bonds to address growth, provide funds for school renovations and build new schools including a new elementary school and a comprehensive high school. Proposition B would have provided funds to build a new district stadium to serve the new high school.


With voter authorization to issue up to $244 million in bonds, the district plans to sell bonds in several increments over the next several years to schedule projects as the taxable assessed values grow and as student enrollment growth allows.


“With the voter approval needed to address student enrollment growth we’ll get started on that right away,” says Cochran, adding that the district will begin by addressing infrastructure and the district’s capacity to serve the growing primary school population first.  

A complete list of proposed projects is available on the District’s bond website:

A summary of Early Voting and Election Day results are shown below. You can view these unofficial results in more detail here.